Friday, June 15, 2012

Porta Asbury Park: Pizza and Pasta Delight

Clamboni Double Sized
Pizza Carbonara

After attending my cousin's high school graduation, we all decided to eat a quick dinner before she had to wisk off to project graduation. Multiple suggestions were thrown in the air until finally deciding on PORTA ASBURY PARK.
The establishment is more of a casual ambiance with distressed cafeteria style long tables and often times a shared experience with other patrons. In the center one is greeted by an oversized bar filled with people dining and sharing cocktails with laughter. Finally, towards the back area you can see up close as the cooks make brick oven style pizza, I find great specially for first time diners.
As everyone begins ordering their meal, the one thing that catches my eye is the plate named CLAMBONI, and I figured why not try something different while everyone decided on pizza. When my plate arrived I was happily surprised that it was mini clams tossed with spinach fettucini and sliced zucchini. I paired my dish with a glass of house white wine and it meshed together beautifully. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try their tantalizing pizza menu, I asked my cousin for a piece of her carbonara pizza, and it was delicious! Cheesy, aromatic, and crispy thin, all of which I love about a pizza.
Porta Asbury Park is one of those places where you can brings friends and family to have a great meal and just have fun. It is priced affordably and the food is amazing.

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